people studying outside at a table

Starting Strong


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Welcome to the Department of General Education

通识教育系的目标是为多元化的学生群体提供学术成就的机会, creatively, and professionally in their chosen fields. 博彩平台推荐为学生提供一个平衡和动态的学术基础,使他们毕业时不仅有必要的阅读, writing, and quantitative skills, 而是伴随着各种学科的学术发现带来的兴奋, a strong foundation in critical reasoning, and a firm grounding in ethics.

General Education

First-Year Writing

博彩平台推荐的第一年写作课程涵盖了英语1101和1102的所有部分. 这两门课程是所有入学学生的必修课程(除非通过大学认可的高考成绩)。. 一年级写作教师致力于与一年级学生合作,帮助他们发展大学水平的写作和批判性思维技能,这些技能是他们在所有大学课程中取得成功所必需的.


First-Year Mathematics

First-Year Math encompasses Quantitative Skills &Reasoning (MATH-1001), College Algebra (MATH-1111), 和微积分预科(MATH-1113)以及相应的实验和辅助部分. 他们也教初级统计(数学-1401)的部分。, Survey of Calculus (MATH-1413), and Calculus I (MATH-1634).


Learning Support FAQs


学习支持课程是一门1学分的课程,与博彩平台推荐的核心大学课程在同一学期进行. For example, 你可能会选修ENGL 1101-01Z(英语作文)和ENGL 0999-01Z(英语作文学习支持). 博彩平台推荐把这类在同一学期修的课程称为“辅修课程”,” meaning they are required to be taken together.

Collegiate Course (credited)Co-Requisite Learning Support
ENGL 1101ENGL 0999
MATH 1001MATH 0997
MATH 1111MATH 0999
MATH 1401MATH 0996


  1. 在大学一年级通过英语1101和第一门数学课程的学生更有可能顺利毕业.
  2. 大多数学生在大学第一年的表现会更好,如果他们有机会获得学习支持的必修课程.
  3. 学生们在同学期的必修课程上的表现要好得多,而不是那些必修课程, or taken before the main credited course. 

Therefore, 博彩平台推荐要求学生在指定的地方参加学习支持课程, 因为那些学生有更好的机会顺利毕业. 如果你上了这门课——即使你不需要上LS课程,也欢迎你注册——你会做得更好,提高你的数学和/或英语技能.

They do not. 然而,由于LS课程是必修课程,它们不会耽误你的毕业进度.

佐治亚大学系统和博彩平台推荐将所有学生置于入门级大学课程中,并提供必要的学习支持,除非学生符合特定科目的豁免标准. 你已经被安排在这个LS课程,所以你有最大的机会在课程中取得成功.



Students must:

  • have transferred or transferable credit for an Area A English course (must meet the minimum grade requirement for the institution – which is a “C” or higher at 博彩平台推荐); OR
  • have an English Placement Index (EPI) of 4230 or higher; OR
  • have a High School Grade Point Average (HSGPA) of 3.1 or higher AND have completed the Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) in English; OR
  • score 430 or higher on the SAT (old) Critical Reading; OR
  • score 480 or higher on the SAT (new) Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) section; OR
  • score 17 or higher on the ACT English or ACT Reading; OR
  • score 61 or higher on the Classic Accuplacer Reading Comprehension test AND score 4 or higher on the Accuplacer WritePlacer test; OR
  • 在新一代Accuplacer阅读理解测试中取得237分或以上的成绩,在Accuplacer写作测试中取得4分或以上的成绩.

Placement in MATH 1111 (College Algebra) without corequisite Learning Support. 学生必须达到或超过下面列出的一个或多个标准. 符合这些标准的学生也将有资格参加数学1001(定量推理)或数学1101(数学建模入门)没有必要的学习支持. Students must

  • have transferred or transferable credit for an Area A mathematics course (must meet the minimum grade requirement for the institution – which is a D or higher at 博彩平台推荐); OR
  • 已经被安排在微积分预科或高等数学课程(e.g., College Trigonometry or some form of calculus); OR
  • have a High School Grade Point Average (HSGPA) of 3.4 or higher AND have completed the Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) in Mathematics; OR
  • 有数学安置指数(MPI) 1265或更高或
  • score 470 or higher on the SAT (old) Mathematics; OR
  • score 510 or higher on the SAT (new) Mathematics section; OR
  • score 20 or higher on the ACT Mathematics; OR
  • score 79 or higher on the Classic Accuplacer Elementary Algebra test; OR
  • 在下一代定量推理测试中获得266分或更高, Algebra, and Statistics test.


For placement into 数学1111与共同必要的学习支持或数学1001或数学1101没有共同必要的学习支持 students must

  • have a High School Grade Point Average (HSGPA) of 3.2 or higher AND have completed the Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) in Mathematics; OR
  • 有数学安置指数(MPI) 1165或更高或
  • score 400 or higher on the SAT (old) Mathematics; OR
  • score 440 or higher on the SAT (new) Mathematics section; OR
  • score 17 or higher on the ACT Mathematics; OR
  • score 67 or higher on the Classic Accuplacer Elementary Algebra test; OR
  • 在新一代定量推理测试中获得258分或更高, Algebra, and Statistics test.

If your schedule cannot work with both LS areas, 一年级学生可以将数学课程推迟到下学期. 注册英语1101与必要的学习支持是优先考虑的,应该首先完成. However, 英语和数学学习支持必须在前30个小时(通常是第一年)完成。.  

在英语和数学方面都需要LS的学生可以推迟在一个或另一个领域的共同学习支持和配对大学课程的注册, 但必须连续参加一组或两组,直到通过大学水平的课程. 如果学生不能同时学习两个LS区域的课程, 入学英语1101与必要的学习支持应优先考虑. 所有区域A的要求必须在前30个学分内完成, 包括大学水平的英语和数学学习支持要求.

Whenever possible, 博彩平台推荐一直寻求由同一位老师来教授英语或数学的主要部分以及与该主要部分相关的学习支持课程. In other words, whenever possible, 你的数学1001课程的老师也将是你的数学0997课程的老师. 辅修课程较小,将与主课程分开.

No, LS的每门数学或英语课程都旨在帮助学生掌握通过大学课程所需的技能和概念. 当你在主菜中学习新的想法或技能时, 你的LS课程将提供额外的练习和关于这个主题的工作.

You should reach out to your advisor. 这个人的名字在你的My博彩平台推荐狼人观察中列出,或者你可以浏览这个网页(Who's My Advisor?), or you can drop by either the Advising Center or the Momentum Center on campus for assistance.

请联系通识教育系主任, Dr. Tim Schroer,关于学习支持课程和教师在数学或英语.


Please reach out to the Academic Testing Center ( 他们会很乐意帮助您选择正确的测试并安排它.

Undergraduate Admissions ( imports test scores and High School GPA. 他们应该能够协助确保系统中有正确的数据.

首先,预约在办公时间与你的导师交谈. 他们是关于你在课堂上的进步的第一和最好的资源. Other excellent options include an appointment with the Center for Academic Success or the University Writing Center,它可以帮助你学习任何课程,包括你的LS课程.

In addition to speaking with Dr. Schroer, you may also contact Dr. Karen Owen,大学学院院长,讨论学习支持. There is also a manual from the University System of Georgia (pdf),其中载有大量有关系统内LS课程的资料.

LS以正常的学费价格提供经济援助, whether the course is online or on campus. It technically counts as 4 total credit hours for tuition, 主课3分,学习支持部分1分.

Fear not! LS持有将一直保留,直到您成功完成学习支持课程, but then it drops off.

Department Goals:

为学生提供变革性的教育,使他们能够取得学术成就, professional, 通过书面和定量推理的核心能力实现个人卓越, including

  • 准备学生探索和理解一个不断增长的跨多个学科的知识体系
  • 教学生为广泛的受众和目的进行有效的沟通
  • Equipping students with problem-solving skills, research, and reasoning abilities from an integrated, multi-disciplinary perspective
  • 让学生参与强调学习的成长模式过程, achieving excellence, and developing life-long skills

At the Core

Student discussing project with guests at Scholars Day

At The Core 2024

在核心突出文科核心课程的价值和博彩平台推荐对指导和本科生研究的高度重视.  他们是博彩平台推荐大学学院工作的核心. 


  • Wednesday, April 24, 2024
  • 8 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Campus Center

Event DetailsAt The Core 2024

Contact Us

Contact Us

Department Chair: Tim Schroer

Departmental Assistant: Nicolle Amaya