

There are 26 fraternities and sororities in four councils at 博彩平台推荐: College Panhellenic Council (CPC), Interfraternity Council (IFC), Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), 全国泛希腊理事会(NPHC).


Contact uwgfsl@perth4x4.net for more information.

兄弟会和姐妹会提供服务和社交机会, promote academic excellence, community and campus engagement, and brotherhood/sisterhood.

兄弟会和姐妹会有像希腊周这样的社区活动, National Hazing Prevention Week, and much more. 泛希腊姐妹会的正式招募在每年秋季学期进行. 国际金融公司兄弟会遵守365招募. MGC和NPHC机构按个别分会招收学员.

Upcoming Events


How Do I Join?

Anyone interested in joining a fraternity or a sorority is encouraged to attend information sessions that occur throughout the school year. This will provide prospective members an opportunity to find out more about the chapters on campus as well as the recruitment/intake process. All potential members must meet the minimum GPA requirements set by the university and the individual chapter they wish to pursue membership.

Interest Form for Joining FSL


The eight NPHC fraternities and sororities as well as the two multicultural Greek organizations participate in memberships intake. 这是由每个单独的章节组织的. Any students wishing to pursue membership should attend NPHC convocation or MGC Showcase to learn about the active chapters on 博彩平台推荐’s campus.


The seven sororities that are members of the National Panhellenic Conference participate in formal sorority recruitment each fall semester, which gives potential new members a chance to visit with each chapter and follow a fully structured schedule of events.


The nine fraternities that are members of the Interfraternal Council participate in informal fraternity recruitment each fall semester, 让男性有机会接触每个IFC兄弟会及其成员.

在Instagram上找到博彩平台推荐,了解博彩平台推荐的最新动态 @uwg.campuslife.

Sisterhood & Brotherhood

One of the greatest benefits of joining a fraternity or sorority is forming indescribable relationships with one another. This bond of brotherhood or sisterhood is a lifelong friendship that is cultivated through chapter activities and relationships. During the new member period, 成员将与新成员类的其他成员保持密切关系, 深入了解他们分会的历史和基本原则, and learn what it means to be in Fraternity and Sorority Life at the University of West Georgia.

The social Fraternity and Sorority Life Governing Councils and the University of West Georgia do not tolerate hazing as part of the new member period, 根据大学政策和州法律.

成为兄弟会和姐妹会的生活成员对学生来说是一段难忘的经历. 兄弟姐妹有着相似的目标, values, and ideals, 为学生提供一种归属感和与大学的联系. 会员资格是终身的,友谊也是如此.

Social Aspects

在大学校园里很容易迷失在人群中. The Fraternity and Sorority Life community offers a network through which you can meet many new people. 因为兄弟会和姐妹会的成员有着各种各样的背景, interest, and goals, it is an ideal place to develop friendships with those whose interest may complement your own.

此外,各分会还组织社会活动, 有联合功能和系统范围的博彩平台推荐. The academic year is full of opportunities for diverse social functions from athletic events to chapter social activities. Chapters also participate in multi-chapter exchanges, formal dances, and a variety of other outings. 这些活动为你提供了结识新朋友的机会, as well as develop social skills, poise, and confidence.

大学不仅是学习的时间,也是社交的时间. At 博彩平台推荐, there is always something fun happening within the Fraternity and Sorority Life community. Social and recreational activities give you the opportunity to meet a variety of people and to strengthen the bonds of friendship and sisterhood/brotherhood at the same time. Fraternity and sorority functions, date parties, stroll off competitions, 正式舞蹈就是这些活动的例子.

参加传统活动,如返乡, Fraternity and Sorority Life Week, philanthropic events and intramurals, demonstrates unity and the spirit which makes Fraternity and Sorority Life at 博彩平台推荐 so rewarding.


兄弟会和姐妹会的生活不仅仅是社交和学习. Each year Fraternity and Sorority Life members raise tens of thousands of dollars and contribute thousands of hours nationally for local and national charities and nonprofit organizations. 通过各种慈善组织的支持, 兄弟会和姐妹会所提倡的思想能增强成员的大学生活.

Fraternities and sororities promote numerous services projects that provide their members with the opportunity to help others less fortunate than themselves. A strong community service program gives members an opportunity to accept responsibility and to know the satisfaction that comes from helping others.

Scholastic achievement is among the values that fraternities and sororities were founded upon. Each chapter promotes high standards and encourages academic excellence among their members. Our Fraternity and Sorority Life community strives to be a leading force for students to successfully achieve academically and complete their 博彩平台推荐 journey with degree attainment.

Our organizations host several programs throughout the school year such as University wide study halls and partnering with other departments to ensure academic excellence.

社区影响2022年秋季- 2023年春季

  • 慈善筹款总额:44,356美元.43
  • 每个分会平均募集善款:1706美元.02
  • Hours Dedicated to Service: 8,643.17 Hours
  • 每章平均服务时间:332小时.43 Hours


兄弟会和姐妹会的生活不仅仅是社交和学习. Each year Fraternity and Sorority Life members raise tens of thousands of dollars and contribute thousands of hours nationally for local and national charities and nonprofit organizations. 通过各种慈善组织的支持, 兄弟会和姐妹会所提倡的思想能增强成员的大学生活.

Fraternities and sororities promote numerous services projects that provide their members with the opportunity to help others less fortunate than themselves. A strong community service program gives members an opportunity to accept responsibility and to know the satisfaction that comes from helping others.

Scholastic achievement is among the values that fraternities and sororities were founded upon. Each chapter promotes high standards and encourages academic excellence among their members. Our Fraternity and Sorority Life community strives to be a leading force for students to successfully achieve academically and complete their 博彩平台推荐 journey with degree attainment.

The Order of Omega Theta Epsilon Chapter 是博爱会员的最高领导荣誉协会吗 & Sorority organizations. The Order of Omega recognizes those fraternity and sorority members from all organizations who have exemplified high standards in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and involvement within their respective organizations and within the Fraternity/Sorority, campus, and local community. 成员从每所院校排名前5%的学生中选出. To date, 在北美有超过575个分会, each sharing the common goal of recognizing the many outstanding student leaders at their institution.

Our organizations host several programs throughout the school year such as University wide study halls and partnering with other departments to ensure academic excellence.

Hazing Disclosure (Max Gruver Act)

In 2021, the Georgia Legislature passed the Max Gruver Act expanding state-wide hazing definitions, penalties, and protections. 

In accordance with the law, the University of West Georgia will publicly disclose student organizations found to be responsible for violations of hazing. The Office of Community Standards will provide regular updates to the campus community about organizations found responsible for hazing misconduct. 

Additionally, 博彩平台推荐将加强欺侮教育工作,继续教育学生, faculty, 以及员工们关于欺侮的类型和预防措施. 更多关于马克斯·格鲁弗法案的信息可以在这里找到 http://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20212022/202145.

Additional Information

盾牌上有一盏绿色的神灯,里面有一把剑和两根树枝, 横幅上写着


Phi Mu, Chi Omega, Sigma Kappa, Kappa Delta, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Zeta 

学院泛希腊理事会(CPC) -正式秋季招聘 

红色和蓝色的盾牌与旧博彩平台推荐火焰在左上角, 在盾牌的右上和左下象限的对角线上的星星, 右下角是白色的教学楼图标. Words in a banner beneath are


Pi Kappa Alpha, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Chi Phi, Kappa  Alpha Order, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi,  Alpha Sigma Phi, Sigma Nu 

国际兄弟会理事会(IFC) -全年高峰,半正式秋季   

circle with a



Lambda Theta Alpha, Inc., Lambda Theta Phi, Inc. 

多元文化希腊理事会(MGC) -入会过程由个别分会决定

白色和黑色的设计,有9个三角形点,通向一个半圆. 每个点的顶端都有一个理事会. Councils letters are


Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Kappa Alpha  Sorority, Inc., Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Delta Sigma  Theta Sorority, Inc., Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Zeta  Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.,  Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. 

全国泛希腊理事会(NPHC) -由个别分会决定的录取程序

Contact Us


Email: uwgfsl@perth4x4.net

Phone: (678) 839-6526 

Location: East Commons

Office Hours: M-F, 8AM - 5PM

Instagram and Facebook: @uwgfsl_