Arrival Time

重要的是,学位候选人到达体育馆装货码头时,要穿着盛装,准备参加颁奖典礼 at least 45 minutes prior to their ceremony start time. 开学典礼的学生入口将在开学前一小时打开. 迟到的考生可能不被允许参加典礼.


博彩平台推荐鼓励毕业生和嘉宾拼车,以纾缓体育馆周围的交通挤塞. Please make your guest(s) aware that all guest seating, with the exception of handicap seating on the upper level, will be in the bleachers. 你可以通知你的客人提前到达,以便在仪式开始前有时间停车和找座位. 博彩平台推荐建议任何有活动不便的客人在停车前在体育馆附近下车.  学生如有需要,请联络博彩平台推荐毕业小组( for additional assistance.  

Attire and Personal Items

你应该穿好衣服,准备好参加毕业典礼,经由下层东侧的装卸码头到达体育馆办理毕业登记. You are required to wear a cap & gown to participate in the ceremony.

重要的是,学生不要携带手提包或个人物品,因为没有安全的等候区. 从2024年3月起,博彩平台推荐在所有活动中实施了明确的塑料袋政策. You can find more information on the clear bag requirement page.

If you have not purchased a cap & gown, they are available for purchase directly from the 博彩平台推荐 Bookstore. Undergraduate students should purchase a cap, gown and tassel in order to participate in commencement. Graduate students should purchase a cap, gown, 他们学院的流苏和兜帽是为了参加毕业典礼.  Cords and stoles are optional.  有资格购买拉丁荣誉证书的本科生将通过电子邮件联系.

Physical Distancing & Face Coverings Guidelines

以适应保持身体距离和其他公共卫生准则, modifications to the traditional ceremony are necessary. These include, but are not limited to:

There will be no student processional; students will be seated as they arrive.

学生们将在颁奖典礼上获得个人认可,并在他们走过舞台时拍照. Handshakes with the President, Provost, and Dean will take place. If students wish to refrain from shaking hands, 学生们可以把手放在心口处,表示不想握手,或者主动提出碰拳.

Check-In Procedures


Once you enter the Coliseum, 您将被引导到一系列表格,这些表格的符号按姓氏alpha组分开. 你会找到与你的姓氏相对应的桌子,然后走向毕业典礼的工作人员,领取你的进行证. 

你的进行卡是根据你毕业的大学颜色搭配而成的,而且你的名字也印在了进行卡上,因为在毕业典礼上你的名字也会被称为进行卡. 如果你是一名有资格以优异成绩毕业的本科生.), your honors status will also be listed on your marching card. 请检查您的行军卡,确认卡片上的信息是否正确. If any information listed on the marching card is incorrect, 请前往位于报到台旁边的毕业典礼提问台. 请随身携带行军卡,不要在卡片上写字.  

一旦你拿到你的入场卡,你就可以去体育馆的楼层坐下了. There will be guides to lead you to the floor. 不允许携带食物、饮料或其他个人物品.  博彩平台推荐强烈建议您在入座前使用洗手间.  Once you are seated, 你可能至少要等两个小时才能上厕所.

Ceremony Procedures

学生将按学院和等级(本科生、研究生、博士)分组。. The ceremony will begin promptly at the designated start time. When it is your turn to cross the stage, commencement staff will guide you on when to stand up, when to be seated, undergraduates moving of the tassel, 在哪里排队穿过舞台,什么时候穿过舞台.  一定要在过台前准备好你的入场牌,交给叫你名字的人. 当你跨过舞台,你将有机会拥有你的 photo taken with the President. 在毕业典礼工作人员的指示下,你们将回到座位上. 毕业典礼结束后,毕业典礼工作人员将带领你们离开体育馆. 毕业后,学生应该计划好毕业典礼后他们将在哪里与家人见面. The ceremony is expected to last around 1.5 hours. 

Graduation Tassels

本科生应将流苏戴在帽子的右侧. 研究生应该把流苏戴在帽子的左边. 别担心——在毕业典礼上我会提醒你的. 

Cords and Stoles

毕业典礼是对社区和你们的成功的盛大庆祝,因为每个学生都开始了他们在博彩平台推荐完成学位后的旅程. We celebrate you and all of your accomplishments. In that vein, 有关适当的索和索的准则可在提供索和索的各实体的建议中找到, such as for Honors. Should you be interested in specifics regarding attire, the student code of conduct 概述了在毕业典礼上可以作为学术服饰的一部分而被接受的行为和服装.


Graduation Rehearsal

博彩平台推荐 does not host a graduation rehearsal. 毕业典礼当天,学生们将由经验丰富的毕业典礼专业人士指导在哪里坐,什么时候游行.

Congrats Class of 2020

Guest Ticket Guidelines

  • 毕业典礼不需要门票,也不需要门票. All seating will be general admission.