
I joined the 博彩平台推荐 faculty in 2008 after completing my Ph.D. in journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. Prior to academic career, I worked as a professional journalist for twelve years in Seoul, Korea. I teach various journalism courses such as media ethics, 博彩平台推荐写作, computer-assisted reporting and critical issues in journalism. My research has focused on social implications of the media, and one of the attractive objects is economic news. 其他 research areas include investigations into changes that are occurring as the result of the introduction of new technology, 媒体道德.

  • Ph.D., 博彩平台推荐, University of Texas Austin, 2008

Fall 2024 Sections

Summer 2024 Sections

Spring 2024 Sections


Summer 2023 Sections

Spring 2023 Sections


Summer 2022 Sections

Spring 2022 Sections


Summer 2021 Sections

Spring 2021 Sections


Summer 2020 Sections

  • COMM-1154 (Intro to Mass Communications) Section: E01
  • 通讯- 3301(写作 & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers) Section: E01

Spring 2020 Sections

  • COMM-2254 (Media Ethics) Section: E01
  • 通讯- 3301(写作 & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers) Section: 01
  • COMM-4485 (Global Media) Section: E01


  • COMM-1154 (Intro to Mass Communications) Section: E02
  • 通讯- 3301(写作 & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers) Section: 01
  • 通讯- 3303(布局 and 设计) Section: 01

Summer 2019 Sections

  • COMM-1154 (Intro to Mass Communications) Section: E03
  • 通讯- 3301(写作 & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers) Section: E01

Spring 2019 Sections

  • COMM-2254 (Media Ethics) Section: E01
  • 通讯- 3301(写作 & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers) Section: 01
  • COMM-4455 (Critical Issues in Mass Comm) Section: E01

Fall 2018 Sections

  • COMM-2254 (Media Ethics) Section: E01
  • 通讯- 3301(写作 & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers) Section: 02
  • 通讯- 3303(布局 and 设计) Section: 01

Summer 2018 Sections

  • COMM-1154 (Intro to Mass Communications) Section: E01
  • 通讯- 3301(写作 & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers) Section: E01

Spring 2018 Sections

  • COMM-1154 (Intro to Mass Communications) Section: E01
  • 通讯- 3301(写作 & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers) Section: 01
  • COMM-4485 (Global Media) Section: 01

Fall 2017 Sections

  • COMM-1154 (Intro to Mass Communications) Section: N01
  • 通讯- 3301(写作 & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers) Section: 02
  • COMM-3302 (Public Affairs Reporting) Section: 01

Summer 2017 Sections

  • 通讯- 3301(写作 & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers) Section: E01

Spring 2017 Sections

  • COMM-1154 (Intro to Mass Communications) Section: E01
  • 通讯- 3301(写作 & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers) Section: 01
  • COMM-3302 (Public Affairs Reporting) Section: 01


  • COMM-2254 (Media Ethics) Section: E01
  • 通讯- 3301(写作 & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers) Section: 01
  • 通讯- 3303(布局 & 设计) Section: 01

Summer 2016 Sections

  • COMM-4455 (Critical Issues in Mass Comm) Section: E01

Spring 2016 Sections

  • 通讯- 3301 (Writg & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers I) Section: 02
  • COMM-3302 (Public Affairs Reporting) Section: 01
  • COMM-4486 (Internship) Section: E01


  • COMM-2254 (Media Ethics) Section: N02
  • 通讯- 3301 (Writg & Reptg for 博彩平台推荐papers I) Section: 01
  • COMM-4455 (Critical Issues in Mass Comm) Section: 01

Summer 2015 Sections

  • COMM-2254 (Media Ethics) Section: E01

Hyun K. & 月亮,年代.J. (2016). Agenda Setting in the Fragmented TV 博彩平台推荐 Context: Attribute Agenda Setting and Polarized Evaluation of Presidential Candidates among Viewers of NBC, 美国有线电视博彩平台推荐网, 和福克斯博彩平台推荐. 博彩平台推荐 & Mass Communication Quarterly, 93 (3), 509-52 [View Publication (PDF)]

月亮,年代.J. & 哈德利,P. (2014). Routinizing a new technology in the newsroom: Twitter as a news source in mainstream media. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 58 (2), 289-305. doi: 10.1080/08838151.2014.906435 [View Publication (PDF)]

Hyun K. & 月亮,年代.J. (2014). 博彩平台推荐 Media’s Role in the Issue-Voting Process: 博彩平台推荐 Attention, Issue Proximity and Vote Choice. 博彩平台推荐 & Mass Communication Quarterly, 91 (4), 687-705. doi: 10.1177/1077699014550095 [View Publication (PDF)]