Emergency Notification Procedures

For the program director

In an emergency, the director's first responsibility is to safeguard the safety and well-being of program participants. The director should do whatever is necessary to assure this, whether this means obtaining prompt and appropriate medical attention, embassy intervention, or police protection.

When all has been done to assure the participants' well-being, the director should contact the Campus Police that will contact the AVP of OEA. The Office of Education Abroad has the necessary emergency contact information of all participants as well as a detailed itinerary.

If an emergency situation arises, contact 博彩平台推荐 Campus Police (678-839-6000 – a 24-hour line), and they will contact the AVP of OEA for you. They will bring in other appropriate campus offices, as needed, to assist you in addressing the situation.

  • For situations in which the request or concern does not require immediate assistance or in which you just need to pass along information or a report of an issue that’s been resolved, you may send an email to the AVP of OEA instead.
  • If the situation requires that a student or staff member receive medical attention or requires emergency evacuation, follow the instructions on your program insurance card in addition to notifying the AVP of OEA.

For the student

If there is an emergency, you should immediately contact the Program Director. His/her responsibility is to make sure that you are safe. The director will be in touch with 博彩平台推荐 and will recommend appropriate steps depending on the situation. Follow the director's instructions.

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